Monday, March 7, 2011

Kayaking in Indiana

For years when I worked in the outdoor industry customers would see the "sea kayaks" up on the wall and ask "where can you use that?"  It was always a tough sell to people that thought kayaks are cool but thought where would I use one in Indiana?  My first question would always be how many rivers did you drive over to get here?  Indiana may not be Alaska or Washington but we do have plenty of paddling and Lake Michigan does touch Northern Indiana.  What we do have is tons of reservoirs that are a pleasure to paddle even though you aren't in the wilds of Alaska.  Most of our reservoirs offer great day paddling and Lake Monroe is big enough to do over night camping trips to get that much needed experience for bigger and better water.  Winter paddling with wind and high water can be quite sporting and build your experience base of foul weather paddling with out taking your life in your own hands.  Our rivers are easy and access to the White River in central Indiana has increased greatly in the past 10 years.  A great day of paddling can be had on many of our rivers with any size boat and most don't require that much experience.  I think one of the jems  of our state is Chain-o-Lakes State Park (CLSP).  This small park near Ft. Wayne is truly a paddlers paradise, that is for Indiana.  The multiply small lake are linked together by canals left by the last ice age that create about 6 miles of water ways from one end to the other.  Starting at one end and paddling to the other and back is a nice way to spend the day.  Only one or two of the lakes allow motorized water craft and then only trolley motors so you won't be buzzed by a speed boat or mad fisherman.  There is even a canoe camp so you can make it a night if you would like.  One of the great things about this park is the wildlife.  On multiple trips we've seen most of what Indiana has to offer.  Of course dear are there but you will also see beaver and river otters, you might even see an osprey if your lucky.  My wife and I spent one afternoon watching a family of otters after one almost hit my boat.
While we don't have the great expanse of water our coastal or Great Lake states have Indiana can offer fun for the day trip paddler.  Experience gained on these more mild water ways can launch you to that big trip you've been dreaming about.  Remember to keep your mind open to what we have around us because as our life gets busy close to home is still getting out!

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